About 38 million U.S. adults have diabetes, a number that has doubled in the past 20 years. Diabetes is also the most common cause of kidney disease.

The latest newsletter from the Erie County Office of Health Equity covers essential information about diabetes, including signs, symptoms, and types of treatment. Versions in several languages, as well as past newsletters, are at the Office of Health Equity webpage.

Olean General Hospital will host three Diabetes Self Management Education and Support Services Workshops this month, starting July 13. The sessions are for people with diabetes who have been recently diagnosed or have difficulty managing their blood glucose, their weight or are experiencing complications. Learn more at brmc-ogh.org/events or call 716-375-4127

The Niagara County Department of Health Nursing Division is offering a free Diabetes Self-Management Workshop. The six–week workshop starts on July 22 and is scheduled on Mondays from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the North Tonawanda Library, 505 Meadow Drive. To register or for more information, visit the workshop webpage or call 716-278-8596.
About one in three Americans with diabetes also has chronic kidney disease. Choosing what foods to eat can get tricky when you have both conditions. While many foods are safe for both a diabetes- and kidney-friendly diet, there are some key differences. The Centers for Disease Control has basic information on what foods are best for you when you have diabetes and CKD.